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List status

List status identifiers


Required authorization level: Verified


Returns a list of status identifiers for the requesting users status. Returns only those status that the requesting user is the owner of.


See the docs on status identifiers for details about how to use them.

Response Body - Parameters

Name Type Description
status[] Object[]

Collection of status identifier objects (Array of objects as described below)

     statusId string

The status id

     statusKey string

The status key

     shareId string

The status share id

     name string

The status name

Success response examples

Success response example - Success (200):

    "statusId": "A0aEMOe6n7qMhcExample",
    "statusKey": "statuskey-1-example",
    "shareId": "xkwd5e",
    "name": "Status One"
    "statusId": "SPbi7aNV4sEyDTExample",
    "statusKey": "statuskey-2-example",
    "shareId": "8dgbty",
    "name": "Status Two"